Hi everyone.
I've realized now I have been neglecting the blog for quite some time. I have been busy with the new year. 2016 is an exciting year for me. If you follow me on instagram, you might already know why ;)
With the preparation and tax season ahead of me, I have been surprisingly calm on the outside. Yes, on the outside. On the inside? I'm trying not to go there right now. My office mate and I started this slogan, "2016 year of positivity". It just a short reminder to always be positive about every aspect in life. I had been the most negative person I know towards everything, and it really brought me down. Yest, I brought myself down because of my own negativity and I realized how unhealthy it was. I am trying to eat healthier, exercise more and think more positive. I find running help me a lot to just bring the stress down.
My now fiancee took me to watch Jersey Boys last Sunday. It took me a while to understand the Jersey-Italian accent of the characters, but I finally got to enjoy it. The sound was spectacular. I am surprised that I know quite a number of the songs.
plaid shirt - gap outlet
coat - Forever 21
belt - Tory Burch
shoes - Nike