Monday, December 10, 2012

Blogmas 7, 2012 ❄ Target Finds

I'm sorry for the two-day delay. I was so busy that I forgot to publish my post. Last Friday I spent almost all day at Target. Target is having a coupon for $10 giftcard when you spend $50 so I thought it was a good time to stock up on essential things like toilet paper. But surprise surprise, when I go to Target, I never really buy things that I have planned to buy. I always end up buying more stuff. As I mentioned before, Target is on top of my list of favorite stores. I always find great things at Target. And here are some.

Mr. & Mrs. Owl.
They are so adorable. I almost got them just because the cuteness factor but I realized cuteness can't justify my shopping, so self-control wins. I currently don't have a Christmas tree, and I plan to get on in the future. I am one who is festive when it comes to Christmas. 

Print Pants
I finally got these. I went to two different Target yesterday because I forgot my coupons. I had to go back home, print the coupons, go to another Target that is closer to my next destination. Sadly, the other Target didn't have the size of the pants I wanted so I held back. I went to the first Target again later that night and found the pants were still hanging on the rack by itself. It was the only one, my size and on sale. You know what they say. If it's on sale and it's your size, it's meant to be. Haha. But no, I didn't buy the pants because of that, I bought them because I've been thinking about them for a week, and I know that I really like them.

Cloud-cut Blazer
dress-Urban Outfitters, T-Shirt-Loft
I still don't know why this type of cut, the wavy, cloud-like cut is called scallop-cut. Anyway, I saw this on MakeupbyTiffanyD's blog and I thought that it was really cute on. When I was browsing through the sale racks on the clothing section, I found this baby hanging. It was 50% off and was the only one and was my size. Do you see the pattern here? I like how it looks. It can dress up your entire outfit and it works great for dress too.

Clear Plastic Drawers

I've been looking for this type of organizers for quite a while, and I was thrilled to finally find these at Target. These are pretty great dupes for clear acrylic containers that are really pricey. I just love how they see-through so I can locate my stuff very easily. I will look even better once I have a real vanity. =P

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